After the drywall and priming phase it was time to finish off the closet with the door jamb and trim. I got one coat on everything new before it was installed to try and save some painting time (I got two coats on the existing baseboards and heater covers as well) before I went out of town and left the rest to Mace.
Then it was time to get build the door jamb just like we did in the master closet.
And here’s the after with all the casing and trim installed with nail holes filled in and ready to be sanded for paint!
Its lookin’ pretty awesome!!
In this pic you can also see the wooden box Mace built over the heating pipe also like we did in the master. Lots of white semi-gloss in my future!! It doesn’t look like big strides were taking place but doing all those cuts and making sure everything lines up takes time (and we try to have a life!) so this was where we stood after 4 weeks of work. The exciting stuff was just around the corner!