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2nd Bedroom Paint & Closet Organizer

The same weekend we got the closet trim and ceiling vents finished other major changes were taking place.  First up was installing the closet organizer!  It’s the same system we did in the master, Martha Stewart at Home Depot.  Here Mace is laying out all the pieces and developing his install plan.

closet organizer (2)

Plan in place it was time to get the main cleat up.

closet organizer (3)

And before you know it the organizer was fully installed!  You can also see to the far right that the window trim was back up, puttied, and painted.

closet organizer (4)

Then it was time for me to finish painting the walls and now that the window trim was painted I could finish cutting in the windows.

2nd bedroom wall paint (3)

Then we were ready for the dramatic change of rolling the walls with the new color, yay!!!  Such a major difference and it’s always so exciting to see!

2nd bedroom wall paint (5)


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