Now for the icing on the cake in the garage, making a work bench for Mace! He had determined during the electrical stage which wall he wanted all the outlets on and not it was time to build it and install it under the cabinet so it was time to break out the laser level again!
And after the frames were made they were ready to be installed and secured to the walls. Mace made sure this thing wasn’t going anywhere and it was able to support his weight.
Next up the top and bottom shelves had to go in. We dressed up the bench a little and added some trim detail in front of the shelves.
A little caulk around the edges and it was ready for paint and poly.
And here it is getting finished up. It took 4 nights/days to get the work bench finished but it turned out pretty sharp!
And you know he’s a happy guy when he’s dancing in his fully functional garage!
This was a good day… a very good day for Mace!! So happy!
A few more manly accessories (the sign was a house-warming gift from me) and I’d say the garage is done!