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Bathroom Vanity Refresh

Replacing the bathroom vanity isn’t something we plan on doing till we do a total overhaul so I decided to work with what we had.  The doors to the vanity sort of had that French feel I was going for so it was time for me to get out the chalk paint again!

2nd bathroom vanity update (1)

I used the same color as the office desk and did the grooved sections in an off white, here I am at my painting station in front of the TV watching HGTV I’m sure!

2nd bathroom vanity update (5)

After I put the doors back on the cabinet I wasn’t loving the result, it looked boring and like all solid colors in the bathroom.

2nd bathroom vanity update (6)

So I played around with trying to give it a more rustic/textured look by mixing in some lighter and darker colors and it started to feel more interesting to me and I decided to go with it. It probably took me 2 weeks to get the doors and vanity base painted and waxed (this is what I was doing while the deck boards were getting finished).

2nd bathroom vanity update (11)

Then this project got put on hold for a few weeks while the deck was being finished and because I needed to find some new white sink bowls (I lucked out at salvage places and found 2 for $15 total!) so we could replace the pink sink bowls.

sink update (1)

Now plumbing is not Mace’s favorite thing to do but he was a sport and did it for me! No wonder I said YES!!

2nd bathroom vanity update (15)

It was not without headaches of course (old plumbing is always tricky and because it was glued down part of the laminate cracked during removal) but after a few hours we had running water again!!

2nd bathroom vanity update (24)

I still had to finish the vanity top (which I was also planning on painting) but first we had to caulk in the sinks. And then things got hairy… and it was because I was impatient and used the wrong type of caulk (100% silicone instead of a latex or silicone blend) without consulting Mace first AND I was sloppy with smoothing the caulk around the sinks and the back splash. So when I went to paint the vanity top I was not able to get clean lines around the bowls because the paint was not adhering to the caulk which was also on the vanity top. Oh man was I pissed!! This was a late night in the midst of doing other projects and trying to prepare for the party. Mace offered to cut it out but I said no because I thought that would take longer than coming up with an alternate finishing plan (this photo is before the caulk).

2nd bathroom vanity update (25)

After spending some time trying to clean up the silicone caulk edges I did sort of a random finish with dark wax and a little paint to try and blend in my mistake since full paint was out. Its not the greatest end result but that happens sometimes in DIY but regardless its a major improvement from what we started with!!

2nd bathroom vanity before

And here is the final result with the original handles painted as well.  The finish also hasn’t held up the best with water and the wax flakes off a little so maybe I’ll redo it at some point but the focus is on other projects for now.

finished hall bath update (4)
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