Now that we had demoed and gotten materials Mace could start framing out the new walls for the garage (6 days after demo). Our friend Kyle K. was nice enough to help out with this (he’s been a HUGE help in general and we owe him for sure!) and here they are doing the last bit of demo.

Thanks Kyle!!

Teamwork installing the top plate of the frame…

Then the outer wall took shape. The foundation was actually taller on one side than the other so there was lots of measuring and cutting each 2 X 4 instead of a production line of them all being the same size.

After the wall was up we decided to add a window (Mace wanted to enjoy some natural light while working in there) so he moved some 2 X 4’s and adjusted the framing to accommodate the window.

The flood light was also removed where the new garage door header would be.

Mace continued to work on the framing during week nights to get the new header in for the garage door.

Lots of figuring, math, and problem solving going on in that head! Oh and I helped set the beam, so helpful I know!!

And 1 week later this is where we were at, it was starting to look like something!

Next up was removing all the old siding, BOTH layers. This is a terrible shot but you can see the Tyvek on the left where the laundry room addition was added so there was only 1 layer of siding. The upper part of the house still had the original siding (2 layers) which we needed to remove so all the new siding would tie together nicely.

Bob (Mace’s dad) was back for a visit so he volunteered to hang out on a ladder all day and remove the old siding while Mace and I were at work. This was an enormous help and made it possible to hang the garage walls the next day. (13 days into project)
