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Hanging Garage Walls

Day 14 of Garage Build: Now that the framing was done and the old siding removed we were ready to start hanging the garage walls!!  We were lucky to have extra hands on deck for this phase of the garage build with Bob in town (below) and our other friend Kyle T. willing to help out.  First task of the day, set-up the scaffolding. (8:30am)

old siding removed 1

Takes longer than you think! (9:30am)

hanging garage wall 1
building walls 18

Next up measurements for the top right part of the wall had to be taken, plywood cut down to size, and then installed. (10am)

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Next they worked on the remaining top section lower right half.  (10:45am)

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Next they jumped to the middle section because they were laying it out to use as many full sheets of plywood as possible.  Then they started on the upper left section which required the scaffolding to also be moved (11:30am)

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Here’s a fun little time lapse of the left side getting finished, It went pretty quick!! (11:37 – 11:42am)

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Last but not least the middle section had to get hung. (11:45 am)

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And I got some experience using the nail gun too!

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Next up was making room for the window and turning this… (12:53 pm)

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(insert some working being done)

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Into this. They look pretty proud of themselves don’t they!! (1:03pm)

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There’s always various finishing tasks that need to happen so these are some pics of the boys hard at work. (1:10pm)

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Plywood also started getting hung around the garage opening and the new window got installed. (4pm)

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Lastly the Tyvek waterproofing wrap went up. (5:45pm)

hanging tyvek 3


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