There was some multi-tasking going on during this time with the office repairs getting done and finishing up prep work for siding. The goal was to get the outer wall completely done before Derek’s family came into town (anyone notice a trend of having visitors to create motivation to complete projects?) but also to take the scaffolding down so the rest of the work could be at ground level. He had to take a day off to complete this and Kyle K. had vacation time to burn and was willing to lend a hand. It’s good to have good friends!! Earlier in the week Derek picked up the siding we ordered a few weeks back (he likes pics of his truck hard at work!).

It was a challenge to match the existing siding because it was one of the first vinyl sidings ever used, and needless to say, isn’t available any more. The existing style is completely smooth (on the left) and the new has a wood grain appearance (on the right) but they are both the single lap style in white. We obviously weren’t going to re-side the entire house and only used the new siding on the outer wall and around the new parts of the garage so each section of the house only has one material used (there’s only one place the materials are actually visually next to each other).

The most important step in siding is getting the starter strip level. If it isn’t then the siding will eventually get whopperjawed as you go up and will have to be redone. The guys got a good start in the morning and here are some shots of the siding install.

And by noon they had the whole side done (obviously the 2nd set of hands mad the process a lot faster)! It was really starting to look like a garage and part of the house!!

With the goal of the siding up completed Derek continued working on getting the garage door opening ready for siding and finished hanging the plywood and Tyvek. This is the progress after day 20, we were gettin’ somewhere!!
