Now that most of the walls were up and waterproofed with Tyvek we had to do some repair from previous water damage, make the new window water tight, and get prepared to run siding. We added some Tyvek to the front of the garage so we could get the corner J-Channel piece up.

The we measured and cut the corner J-Channel piece and installed it.

Next up was waterproofing the new window. First we waterproofed the window frame which done by using a rubberized waterproofing tape around the opening (done before the window was installed. The order the tape is applied is very important because it determines the path of water and ensures the “shingle” effect happens (like water running off your roof). You put the bottom piece on first, then the sides, then the top. Then we waterproofed it again around the nailing fin (the white piece nailed in the below pic) after the window was installed. In the pic below we are just starting the second layer of waterproofing.

And here is the finished waterproofing of the new window. We didn’t get to running the J-Channel around the window so that still had to be done.

Then is was onto the existing window. When we took off the siding you could see there was some water that had been getting underneath the siding. To repair this we cut out the rot, put in new plywood, and covered with Tyvek.

We also replaced the window sill because it was rotted through. We reused the metal sleeve from the original sill, secured it, and then caulked it in place. Then we added flashing under the sill for more waterproofing.

Our neighbors were keeping an eye on us from their kitchen and sent us some pics they took in our Christmas card but here we are applying the flashing (we’ve really lucked out and have great neighbors on either side and they don’t mind all the noise we make!!).

Then we started running J-Channel (which is what siding runs into so the edges look finished) around the window. The order it goes up is the same as waterproofing tape; start with the bottom, then the sides, then the top.

Here’s an up close shot of how Mace cut the side piece and the tucked it into the bottom piece for extra protection from water.

And here’s the finished product ready for siding.

We needed to square up the plywood walls and then I taped off the bottom of the Tyvek so it was secured to the house.

So here’s what our progress looked like at the end of the weekend (day 15), not too shabby!! There was still some work to do before the siding could go up but we were pretty happy!
