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Office Color Scheme: Phase 3

With the office walls repaired and ready for paint it was time to break out the brushes and rollers! The original color scheme that inspired me was creamy, warm, and with the feel of coffee (yup another tear sheet from my binder!).

But after playing with color combos on my own I landed on a slightly different color scheme that leaned more towards yellow undertones instead of brown.  I also wanted to try something different with the ceiling instead of white to make the room feel bigger since its on the small side.  I chose Riviera Sand for the walls and the lighter Cornerstone on the ceiling (both by BEHR).

Office color scheme 2

With a plan in place I started painting the trim first. We always remove the shoe molding first because it’s easier to paint.

Painting office trim

Then I painted the ceiling and next up was the walls. In all honestly when Riviera Sand went on I wasn’t too happy, it looked gold to me and was not what I was planning on (maybe I should have done a tester first??). But I also think that it appeared that way when it was going on because of the contrast between it and the beige walls. I figured, well paint is the cheapest mistake I’ll make and I can always repaint in the future!

Painting office walls 2

Here’s a shot during the day after everything was painted (including the closet, so much better than lime green!) and while it wasn’t exactly what I was going for it didn’t turn out too badly.  I’m not sure I picked exactly the right ceiling and wall color combo for the look I was trying to get but now is the time to experiment and learn right! Overall the room looked much better than before, even with walls that were yellower than I intended. I blame the beige walls for pushing me in a less neutral color direction, ha! We also installed a new light fixture (luckily there wasn’t repair needed under the old one) that added some dimension and also replaced the circle air vent with a square one.

Office after 4

This room was coming along from where we started!!

Office before 5
Office Before
Office light fixture


Hill House Design

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