When the deck stairs were built the treads were installed but we didn’t install the landing so with the railings under way it was time to get back to this. Here are some shots of the install process. It was pretty cool to have the stairs fully functional now instead of a big hole at the top!!

Mace also decided he didn’t like how the bottom stair was done so he re-worked it. The first install required him to notch the second to last tread so it would wrap around the post because the post was at the back of the step.

During the re-work Mace moved the bottom posts forward so that no tread boards would be cut and it would look cleaner. There was a lot more blocking that had to be done to make the posts really secure and not wiggle since they were more free-standing than before.

The end result was well worth the extra time because its such a clean, polished result (gotta love his attention to detail!). Here’s a shot with the railing (which was installed a few weeks later) so you understand the look he was going for.

The skirt board also went up during this time. This gives the deck a finished off look, otherwise you’ll see the exposed joists and fasteners. The stair skirt board would be done after the railings went in. This all happened during week 9 of the project.
