Now that the kitchen refresh was almost done I had to do something to fill up that huge blank wall.

I wanted to incorporate a clock in the room and also a message center into a collage of pictures. I already had everything I needed but it took some time to layout the design and make sure it wasn’t too big for the space. This was the layout I planned ahead of time.

I totally thought this would go up pretty quick (reality was 2-1/2 hours and a few extra nail holes behind the frames) but I did it by myself and used the laser level I mentioned before to be my guideline. The install looked a little different than the plan since I moved some frames around to make it shorter and added one on the end. The outlets threw off my bottom row spacing a little (and I ran out of black frames) but overall I think it turned out pretty good for doing it on my own. Having pictures on the wall made it feel more like home. This was actually the first thing we hung on our walls, and it only took us 7 months to do it!!
